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Woman Hears Tiny Screams From Bushes And Goes On A Search Mission

Aug 11, 2023

Published on 8/4/2023 at 4:51 PM

A woman on TikTok named Marie Annette was hanging out on her front porch one day when, out of nowhere, she heard tiny screams coming from somewhere nearby. Worried and wanting to help whoever was yelling, she left her porch and embarked on a search and rescue mission.

As Marie walked towards the bushes on the road next to her property, she realized the screams sounded like the cries of a kitten. The sound stopped a few times, and each time it did, Marie would stop too, waiting until it started up again so she could continue to follow the trail.

Finally, her search led her to a cluster of bushes, where she spotted a tiny head peeking out.

As soon as the kitten saw a friendly face, he bounded out of his hiding spot — and so did his sister. Both kittens had been waiting for someone to come and collect them, and Marie truly couldn’t believe her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, there's two," Marie said in a TikTok.

The kittens were older, friendly and seemed to be in pretty good shape, which meant they’d likely been dumped in the bushes by someone driving by. Marie had no idea why someone would want to abandon two precious babies like that, but their loss was her gain.

Marie named the siblings Oliver and Brownie. She brought them back to her house and got them fed, then gave them flea baths to make sure they were nice and clean. The kittens didn’t seem scared or apprehensive at all. It was as if they knew all along that Marie was coming to help them.

Marie is planning on fostering the sweet little kittens until she can find them their forever homes. They’re both doing incredibly well and are so happy their days of fending for themselves are finally over.